Petr Bezruč Theater
The Petr Bezruc Theater was officially opened on December 13th 1945 in Ostrava, and represents one of the most distinctive theaters in the Czech Republic, based on awards and critics’ reviews. Since its debut, it has been mainly focusing on productions dedicated to younger audiences, however it is often attended by spectators of all ages. The Petr Bezruc Theater puts emphasis on progressive creative diversity and boasts a cast of highly appreciated actors and actresses. Its repertoire focuses on original dramaturgy including modern remakes of classic plays, new dramatic works as well as interesting, “cult” literary works and works with regional topics.
Plays by this theater
Šikmý kostel
Petr Bezruč Theater
Lekce Hitchcock
Petr Bezruč Theater
Scapinova šibalství
Petr Bezruč Theater
Petrolejové lampy
Petr Bezruč Theater
Spalovač mrtvol
Petr Bezruč Theater
Petr Bezruč Theater
Petr Bezruč Theater
Heda Gablerová: Teorie dospělosti
Petr Bezruč Theater
Na Větrné hůrce
Petr Bezruč Theater
Petr Bezruč Theater
Transky, body, vteřiny
Petr Bezruč Theater
School Is the Foundation of Life
Petr Bezruč Theater
Divoká kachna
Petr Bezruč Theater