Matteo Spiazzi
Matteo Spiazzi is a famous director, actor, drama teacher and organizer of theatrical events. He worked in theaters in Italy, Poland, Slovenia, Estonia, Austria, Belarus, Russia, Ecuador. Matteo Matteo specializes in modern “Commedia dell’Arte” (“Comedy of Masks”) – a type of Italian folk theater whose performances are created by the method of improvisation, with the participation of professional actors wearing masks. Matteo is one of the founders of the project “THEAOMAI” (theatre, university, city) together with the University of Verona, he has repeatedly participated in seminars for the “Theatre Biennale” in Venice.
“Family Album/ Album di Famiglia” the first performance of Matteo Spiazzi (Italy) in Ukraine. This performance became the “Best exploratory and experimental performance” of the 3rd Festival-award “GRA” in 2019.